Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aus create issues while playing sub-continent teams: Younis

Melbourne, April 28: Pakistan captain Younis Khan has blamed the Australians for unnecessarily creating issues while playing against India and Pakistan after teammate Saeed Ajmal was reported for a suspect bowling action during the ongoing one-day series.

Off-spinner Ajmal was reported for his bowling action during the second ODI in Dubai on April 24 which he had suggested resulted from a complaint by Australian all-rounder Shane Watson to the umpires.

Younis said controversies reared up whenever Australia play sub-continental sides and wondered what was wrong in Ajmal bowling a `doosra`, the subject of the reporting.

"This is always happening with India and Pakistan and Australia," Younis said.

"... Why do we create all the time controversies? Why? It`s a fair game, you know," he fumed.

Younis said it was simply a matter of Ajmal bowling a quicker ball, and not cheating.

"You`re talking about the doosra, `Why he bowl doosra?` "Why (shouldn`t) he (Ajmal) bowl doosra? Because this is an art and especially Pakistanis and Indians they have the art, so why (should it) not be allowed?" Younis was quoted as saying.

Ajmal played in the third ODI in Abu Dhabi yesterday, despite the report hanging over him, and continued to bowl his doosra. Younis pointed to a previous report laid over the faster ball of Pakistan leg-spinner Shahid Afridi.

"We`re not cheating actually, sometimes they ask you why should you bowl very fast and then they say why should Afridi bowl a ball suddenly at 140kph?”

"We`re not cheating actually, I think that`s the beauty of cricket," said Younis.

Australia captain Michael Clarke tried to play down the controversy, saying Watson hadn`t made a specific complain to umpires about Ajmal`s action. "Watto certainly didn`t go to the umpires and say a word, none of our players have approached the umpires and spoken about it," Clarke said.

"I think Watto was pretty upset with the shot he played and getting out. He`s been in really good nick the whole tour and I think he`s been a little bit disappointed he hasn`t made as many runs as he would have liked," he said.

Clarke said they would concentrate on the game and leave the legalities to International Cricket Council to sort out.

"For us I think the way this tournament has been played, the spirit of the game has been fantastic. Both teams have got on really well, it`s been such a good tour so far.

"So all that stuff`s up to the ICC to make a decision on what`s going to happen there, but for us as a team it`s about making sure that whichever way the ball`s spinning try and pick it and try and hit it."